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Signs you are not sexually compatible

There are people out there who are just after sex. They don't go well together, in fact, they seem extremely unhappy with each other.

But the sex is good, so they stay together. But if it's not just about sex or just friendship, a good balance between emotional and physical contact is relationship survival.

However, there is also another kind of people who harmonize perfectly, have a lot of fun with each other, have a great relationship, and yet are unhappy in the sexual part of the relationship.

No matter how great the chemistry is between a man and a woman, they may be sexually incompatible.

That can lead to extreme problems in the long run and usually does not work well in the long term.

If you recognize one or more of these signs in your relationship, you should also expect that their relationship will unfortunately not last.

  • Sex doesn't have the same status for you.
One of you likes to have a lot of sex, the other doesn't at all. Of course, you can try to give the more listless partner a little help by making sex palatable to them.

But that can be very frustrating for those who have to do the persuasion.

  • One does not find the other attractive (anymore)
A common problem in long-term relationships, but also among couples who have just met.

Unfortunately, telling the other to do more for their looks isn't an option. A dead end.

  • You do not like the preferences of the other
Of course, this is always a topic that needs to be approached, some more, some less.

But when the interests are extremely far apart, sex becomes a permanent compromise for both of them.

  • You're just waiting for it to be over
Sex is more a duty than fun for you. You find yourself doing certain things just for the sake of your partner, but no longer having any fun yourself.

  • One of you never climaxes
Unfortunately, it is usually the woman who is particularly good at showing that she is not getting her money's worth.

This is only bad if there are no efforts to change that. If it stays that way, it could also mean that you are simply not sexually compatible.

  • You think of someone else when you have sex
This is probably the clearest sign that your sex life, unfortunately, cannot be saved
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